In Between With Mr. Door is a fictitious talk show created by Alan Wake to help him cope with being trapped in the Dark Place, appearing in the nightmare New York City created through Alan's memories and writings. The show is hosted by Warlin Door, the titular Mr. Door, in the nightmare New York City's talk show studio. Near the end of Alan Wake 2, it is revealed that the show was created by Alan, but Mr. Door was not; Door went along with the host persona written by Alan for reasons of his own.[1]
Known Episodes[]
There are three episodes which are currently known to have been made. The first episode that is known to have been filmed has an interview with Alan Wake about the upcoming release of his new book, Initiation. The second episode has Alan Wake and Sam Lake, discussing Sam's role as Alex Casey in the Casey films. The third episode is "The Story of the Journey of Alan Wake: The Musical", featuring the song "Herald of Darkness" by the Old Gods.
Known Cast[]
Warlin Door - Host
Alan Wake - Guest
Sam Lake - Guest
Old Gods of Asgard - House Band